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Insurance Denied Natural Disaster Property Claim
Staff Writer
Staff Writer, @DooleyNotedLaw
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Many people have their insurance claims denied every year. But don’t worry. There are ways to increase your chances of getting a fair settlement from the insurance company. This blog post will discuss the steps you need to take if your insurance company denied your natural disaster property claim.
Top Four Natural Disasters that Can Affect Your Property in Texas
Texas is a state that is prone to natural disasters like wind, floods, hail, and fire. That’s why homeowners in Texas need to have insurance policies that cover these disasters. Therefore, please don’t wait until it’s too late.
Wind Damage
Homeowners often don’t think of wind when they think of natural disasters. However, in some areas in Texas, the wind can cause much damage. For example, wind can break tree branches and fall on your home. Strong winds are also a large part of tornadoes and hurricanes. Therefore, it’s necessary to have wind insurance.
Flood Damage
Texas has a lot of rivers and lakes. If you live near one of these water sources, your home is at risk of flooding. Even if you prepared your home because you live in an area known for rain or storms, flooding could still cause damage. In these cases, it’s essential to have a flood policy. A standard home insurance policy doesn’t include this type of coverage. Flood policies can help protect your home and belongings after a flood.
Hail Damage
Hailstones can come in a range of sizes. A golf ball size hailstone can cause significant damage to your home, especially the roof. If you live in an area where hail is common, it’s essential to know the difference between a roof that needs repairs and a replacement. Many homeowners don’t realize that their insurance policy generally doesn’t cover hail damage. Therefore, you need to purchase supplemental homeowners insurance or an endorsement of your policy to cover hail damage.
Fire Damage
The risk of wildfires in Texas increases during the dry season. Especially if you live near trees, it may be necessary to purchase supplemental insurance to protect your property. In the summer, the weather in Texas can get very dry, which increases the risk of a fire starting. If you live in an area where there is a risk of wildfires, talk to your insurance agent about what coverages and limits make sense for you.
What If Insurance Denies My Claim
If you received a denied natural disaster property claim, don’t worry. You may be able to find a solution. The insurance company may have handled your insurance claim unfairly. Therefore, speak with your insurer to try and reach an agreement. If this does not work, you may have to take legal action with the help of an insurance dispute lawyer in Texas.
Remember, don’t panic. There are ways to fix the problem. Keep reading, and we will help you through the following steps if the insurance company denies your claim.
Understand your Policy and Claim Denial
The first step is to understand your insurance policy. You need to know what your policy covers for natural disasters. It is essential to read your policy carefully to understand what is covered and what is not. Additionally, explore your options for appealing the decision.
The denial letter for your property insurance claim will usually have a section that explains why they denied the claim. If you find out that the insurance company made a mistake denying your claim, they may be liable for damages.
Build your Denied Insurance Claim Case
If you know your policy covers the insurance claim, you will want to gather evidence to support your case. Evidence could include eyewitness testimony, police reports, or any documentation that confirms the cause of damage.
An appraiser can inspect the damage to your home and estimate how much it will cost to repair the damage. This will help you make your case to the insurance company and increase the chances that they will award damages to your home.
Appeal the Denied Insurance Claim
After completing the steps above, you can appeal the denied insurance claim with your insurer. You need to provide a reason for appealing the denial, contact information for everyone involved, and copies of any supporting documentation.
Please visit our blog here for more detailed information on building your insurance claim case.
Why Hire an Insurance Dispute Lawyer in Texas?
If your insurance company is not helping, it may be time to speak with an insurance dispute lawyer in Texas. An attorney can help you navigate the appeals process and get the settlement you deserve. Especially if a natural disaster has just hit you, an experienced lawyer can assist. They can quickly help you get the compensation you need to make repairs.
Dooley Noted Law is here for you. We can hold the insurance companies accountable. If your insurance company wrongfully denied you, we can help you get the compensation you deserve.
There are many unknowns when experiencing property damage. We don’t want you to go through this alone and accept a denied claim. There are other options. You shouldn’t have to go through this alone, and we can help. Let us be your guide to natural disaster property damage claims! Call us today for a free consultation. We will help you every step of the way.
The contents of this post, and the posting and viewing of the information on this post, should not be construed as, and should not be relied upon for, legal advice in any particular circumstance or fact situation. An attorney should be contacted for advice on specific legal issues.
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